Violet Indigo Blue...
The other day, a friend of mine made a drastic statement - 'North Indians have a poor-er sense of humor than South Indians." Without getting into the intricacies of the Northie/Southie debate, here's my take on SOH.
To me, it's a pointless statement. Someone's sense of humor could be totally in sync with yours or a tad unconventional or just plain boring and not provoke a chucke from you. But, is it fair to say that X's sense of humor is 'better' than Y's sense of humor?
There are no levels in sense of humor. One can't objectively say that X's is better than Y's, just because it is a very subjective issue. It's akin to saying, "Blue is a better color than red." Huh? Wha..? Similarly, one's sense of humor could fall anywhere in a broad spectrum from your perspective - a spectrum in which no particular color is 'better' than the rest.