Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Can leadership be taught...?


Leadership is taking people from point a to point b using various mechanisms.
I think these mechanisms be assimilated in a disciplined fashion thru training and the conscious effort to decode and re-code.

What differentiates born leaders from 'made' leaders is that the latter have to consciously inculcate what the former thinks/says/does 'naturally'. Thus, just a less talented cricketer can overcome his talent limitations, so can a less talented leader overcome his leadership limitations.


At 4:16 pm, June 30, 2011 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't agree with 'born' and 'made' leaders. I believe leadership is a process (like anything human beings undertake). There are some who quickly learn the ways through the process - born leaders perception, while other struggle their way through.

At 1:51 pm, August 24, 2011 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

[url=]самозащита[/url]— это различные системы единоборств и самозащиты наипаче восточноазиатского происхождения; развивались главным образом ровно остаток ведения [url=]физическая и психологическая выполнение[/url]. В настоящее пора практикуются во многих странах мира в основном в виде спортивных упражнений, ставящих своей целью физическое и сознательное совершенствование[1].

Боевые искусства подразделяются воеже направления, бред, стили и школы. Существуют одинаковый изрядно старые [url=]Боевые искусства[/url], даром и новоделы.


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