Thursday, December 21, 2006

Eyes, Ears, Nose, Tongue and...

The uber intelligent among you have now figured out that this post is about the five senses. Thunderous applause for all ye!

If you think about it, on any given day, we taste a variety of food and drink, see a glorious sunrise and the trash can in our cubes, experience smells that range from vehicle exhaust fumes to your favorite cologne and hear the cacophony of your boss's ramblings and the most relaxing classical music ever. But, how often does one experience the sense of touch? Especially, when it comes to people and more specifically, when it comes to the opposite sex? You see them (and your bpm shoots through the roof), smell their fragrance and hear the melody in their voice.

Single or married, player or saint, I tend to think that the sense of touch is perhaps the least appreciated and experienced amongst all. Perhaps that's why we all crave it...?



At 12:24 pm, December 21, 2006 , Blogger SternMystic said...

wow. deep. we need to start a touchy feely campaign along these lines. Like the the "More conversations at dinner table", we need to have a "Touch each other, touch strangers more" campaign. I love it. And I wholly agree, human energy through touchy warmth is hihgly effective. Take Reiki for example, its all about curing through touch.

At 3:04 pm, December 21, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

yaan to yeh blog bahaut deep hai yaan to mera monitor 3D hai :)

At 3:17 pm, December 21, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel compelled to think..bout things i thought i never think of!'nt it also the most informative in the most intimate manner...(maybe after vision ofcourse)Ever imagined how much one touch can tell you bout the other person!!
..and is most interactive as well..However with that 'touchy feely campaign suggested up'll loose its charm!lol!

At 3:25 pm, December 21, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is in response to an earlier blog...'joys of small things'
Those supposedly 'small things' and their parallels put together..influence 'Big decisions' much so..they become the biggest joy!

At 12:14 am, January 17, 2007 , Blogger woorkeri wittynathan said...

Stern - Danke. Lemme know if you need signatures for the touch strangers campaign! :)

Incidentally, if you have seen the movie 'Crash', Cheadle says this in the beginning of the movie (and I paraphrase/ad lib) - 'It's the sense of touch. That's what it is. In large cities, you tend to brush against people, touch them and experience it. But, in LA, we don't. We just sit in our glass houses and never touch one another. Perhaps that's why we will our vehicles to crash into each other just so we can experience that sense of being touched.'

Mr Not So Anonymous - hahaha! :)

CD - I ll take that as a left handed back handed compliment! :) Agree about the informative piece. I can only imagine how Vidya Balan's curls must feel like! :)

Btw, I did not allude to the sense of touch in the purely sensual / sexual context. As Stern has rightly pointed out, the healing power of touch is a force to reckon with.

At 6:36 pm, January 21, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Touch - is rarely appreciated - but like a lot of good things in life, most missed when not there in life. In all its forms - touch is the best expression of feelings...Words can't console as much as a hug from a friend in times of distress can...Jaadoo ki jhappi - And the most I reach out for, when I am thinking of my friends is how I held their hands - sometimes consciously like when I was nervous or sad - and sometimes unconsciously - like when I was crossing the road - and taking too long , scared of those ramming cars...Manu would just hold my hand, and pull me along...I miss that touch - because more than crossing the road it told me I am there!!! Main hoon na...It reassured me of some one taking care...And as I spend hours in trains - seeing people brush past each other - the most I miss is my Dad's hand, always protective, over my shoulder...

About Reiki - I am a second degree practitioner and so I have experienced the magic touch , :)

But let me not be all goodie goodie - the problem is like so many others - we are even scared to admit that we seek joy from the so called 'sexual touch' Oh come on. Why deny it...I enjoyed it when I first held his hand - and I even enjoyed the thought of him trying to hold mine, long before...As we got wet in the fall showers - sipping coffee at Robie's...His naughty smile saying a lot - I know how much I wished - he touch'ed me - but some where he did - he touched my soul...

At 6:39 pm, January 21, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Touch - is rarely appreciated - but like a lot of good things in life, most missed when not there in life. In all its forms - touch is the best expression of feelings...Words can't console as much as a hug from a friend in times of distress can...Jaadoo ki jhappi - And the most I reach out for, when I am thinking of my friends is how I held their hands - sometimes consciously like when I was nervous or sad - and sometimes unconsciously - like when I was crossing the road - and taking too long , scared of those ramming cars...Manu would just hold my hand, and pull me along...I miss that touch - because more than crossing the road it told me I am there!!! Main hoon na...It reassured me of some one taking care...And as I spend hours in trains - seeing people brush past each other - the most I miss is my Dad's hand, always protective, over my shoulder...

About Reiki - I am a second degree practitioner and so I have experienced the magic touch , :)

But let me not be all goodie goodie - the problem is like so many others - we are even scared to admit that we seek joy from the so called 'sexual touch' Oh come on. Why deny it...I enjoyed it when I first held his hand - and I even enjoyed the thought of him trying to hold mine, long before...As we got wet in the fall showers - sipping coffee at Robie's...His naughty smile saying a lot - I know how much I wished - he touch'ed me - but some where he did - he touched my soul..

At 5:02 am, February 20, 2007 , Blogger woorkeri wittynathan said...

Anonymous - Very interesting comment. Thanks for stopping by! And, come back for more!


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