Sunday, July 27, 2008

Post # 100...

I have written about soaps, airports, gas stations, sex, love, relationships, friendships, careers, music, movies, drinking, 9/11, tolerance, arguments and what not and have enjoyed writing and hearing from you.

Thanks to everyone who has been reading/commenting.
Stay tuned for more (of the same and not the same).
Happy hundred Wittynathan!


At 3:46 am, August 27, 2008 , Blogger Princess Fiona said...

yay!!! CONGRATS :)
a new visitor here...i like...though i dont get your hindi jokes..but thats my bad! I suck at hindi! :(

At 5:19 am, August 27, 2008 , Blogger Unknown said...

Welcome to my humble cyber abode, Princess Fi. Gracias, glad you likey!

At 6:11 am, August 27, 2008 , Blogger Princess Fiona said...

i like i blog rolling u!!! :)

At 6:23 am, August 27, 2008 , Blogger woorkeri wittynathan said...

Witty says, "Danke! Danke!"
And then adds sheepishly, " But, but O Tech Savvy Princess, care to educate me as to how yours truly can 'blogroll' you?"

At 11:27 pm, August 27, 2008 , Blogger Princess Fiona said...

lol!! i shall fully act smug now...
go to your dashboard, then layout...u can click and drag elements u want to add..there's an option for other websites...there u can add urls!! techno virgin friend...u can blogroll :)

At 11:27 pm, August 27, 2008 , Blogger Princess Fiona said...

and thanks for commenting on my past posts...i louuuuuuuuuuu gettin comments :)

At 9:47 am, August 28, 2008 , Blogger woorkeri wittynathan said...

WW blushes at the mention of tech virginity. Sorry Fi, we are Indians, we don't talk about such things openly.

Oh, and I shall check now if you have commented to my comments. Ah, what a vicious cycle...

At 6:10 am, August 29, 2008 , Blogger popsie said...

Congratulations! onyour 100th post and I notice that you are done with 3yrs of blogging as well...great going!

At 5:56 am, August 30, 2008 , Blogger woorkeri wittynathan said...

Thanks for stopping by! Yes, its been 3 long years and I would like to take this opportunity to thank my neighbor, my dog, my family, God, my professors, my bosses, my cat, my friends and of course, ThinkPad.


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