Saturday, May 10, 2008

What now...?

Growing up, we always had a certain well defined path. As I have said in one of my posts before, 9th grade gave way to 10th, undergrad gave way to grad school or a job and so on. It is right after the three to four year mark as a YUPPIE that it hits you - What do I do now? I have gotten a decent amount of work experience, I am doing well in my career, the cash flow is sweet, I have bought most of the gizmos I ever wanted, I have checked most boxes in life - be it Europe or scuba diving or a threesome! ;)I have even booked a plus 3 bedroom flat, I have done my fair share of dating, I have taken all the classes - be it guitar or salsa or cooking that I ever felt the need for. Seriously, what do I do now? Do I go back to school? Do I 'settle down'? Jeez, I am *so* lost. Welcome to the quarter life crisis!

We are constantly seeking news highs and new forms of excitement. This theme runs constant through most of undergrad and then the early parts of your career. But then, at the aforementioned point in time, we find ourselves at a crossroad in life (obviously that point in time differs for different people - but you do hit that point methinks). It is my opinion that as you get older and 'see' more of the world, the highs in our life start getting less high. We then start having issues coming to terms with th efact that life flows at an even pace after an eventful, tumultuous, exciting, nerve wrecking 25 + years on this planet. It is upto us to accept that such will be the pace of life. Granted, there will still highs and lows, but those will become less dramatic and few and farther between. We must begin to look forward to smaller things in life (which arguably provide more happiness) to keep us going. Perhaps over time a re-calibration will occur, whereby those smaller things will start appearing more and more exciting and provide an equally high high as did the events during our first quarter in this world. Indeed, to a generation that is slowly reducing its attention span, this realization might be tougher to achieve.


At 12:44 am, May 11, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

And once again you speak my mind. Could'nt 'articulate'it in the same way though! And when someone with 'grey hair' in the goti puts it down, you are rest assured there is nothing wrong with your own head ;-).!!

At 1:25 pm, May 11, 2008 , Blogger woorkeri wittynathan said...

Glad to be the voice in your head Anony!


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