Wednesday, July 19, 2006

If only...

I think all of us have an idea of the kind of person that we want to be with and want as our significant other. However, when embarking on a relationship or when in a relationship, do we find such thoughts finding space amidst our grey cells:

If only he were taller
If only she could talk Marathi
If only she would be a little less loud in public
If only he was more ambitious

And so on and so forth, ad infinitum, ad nauseam.

Does that mean that we are not happy with who are with? Does that mean we need to look for someone 'better' ? (Again, do we just want to be with someone intrinsically better or someone who is a better fit for us? Do we truly realize that distinction?) Are we just finding reasons to eke out of the relationship, just because that person does not conform to our mental image?
If such thoughts do wander in our head, is it because we are not happy in that relationship?

Do we place so much emphasis on peripheral personality traits, without truly bonding with the person for who he/she is? If we want someone to be taller, speak Marathi, be a little more subdued in public and a tad more ambitious, does that mean that we want the person we are with, to be someone else? Isn't it an implication that we are not accepting, understanding and loving the person for who he/she is? Isn't that the goal?

Agreed, self improvement is always a good motto(even for peripheral personality traits). But, then, where do you draw the line...?

Are we a generation so obsessed with perfection that we refuse to compromise and see the greater good that the bond is bringing to us and to the other person? Is there a tendency for people to want their significant other to morph into their idea of who that person should be?

Random ruminations...


At 10:43 pm, July 25, 2006 , Blogger Mommy G said...

interesting thoughts. But I don't know if I agree totally. I think when you make excuses about the person you are with, you are just finding reasons to not be with the person. It's like when you meet someone you don't like, you start picking on the smallest silliest reasons for not wanting to be with him/her(height, accent, shape of eyes, whatever). And when you are in love, even if the person commits murder, you can defend him with a straight face. WHat say you?

At 10:52 pm, July 25, 2006 , Blogger woorkeri wittynathan said...

Areille - This is based partially on stuff I have heard from other folks and some extrapolation. Hearing their thoughts made me think that the truth of the matter was that they did not want to associate with the person in question. Hence, I have just posed open ended questions for fodder.

In fact, you have taken the post to the next logical step and made the right
conclusions/observations. Yes, I concur! :P

At 10:57 am, July 26, 2006 , Blogger SternMystic said...

You're correct. The trend is common, the difference is where each person draws that line and that is defined by too many factors to even consider.

Add to this the un-fact that no one person can be perfect for you. Its the amount of captivity you're subject to that allows you to overlook the imperfections and focus on making the most out of the coupling.

At 1:17 am, August 11, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.

At 8:22 pm, July 14, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You sound like SJP on SATC! She put it in a nutshell- "if you find someone to love the you you love, well, that's just fabulous."

I believe in a relationship that makes you a better version of yourself (ofcourse, without it being forced upon you). Its not about whom you are with, but the person that you are, with that significant other.

Love conquers all!


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