Thursday, July 13, 2006

WORLD Champions...?

No, this is not a post about how Italy vanquished France by conquering their penalty kick jinx. (3 times! I ve been heart broken thrice...1990 Semi finals vs Argentina, 1994 finals vs Brazil and 1998 quarterfinals vs France).

Anyhoo, before I start writing about what I claimed I would not write about, let me take my potshots at American sports.

American sports are lazy. They play for 2 minutes, take a 3 minute time off, play again for 3 minutes and then take a 5 minute commerical break, blah blah blah. Compare that with the non-stop energy, entertainment and adrenaline rush of football (i.e., the Beckham/Maradona variety) !
Yes, you are right. American sports pale in comparison.

American sports are self centered.

The whole world gets together once in 4 years to commemorate Greek Gods. In 2004, the US seconds a second string team (because their big wigs are busy playing in their own 'world', i.e. the NBA) and ends up getting beat in the basketball championship. Oh well... 10 months later, the Pistons and the Spurs engage in a best of 7 series and the Spurs become, gasp, 'WORLD champions'. Yes, in a league of 32 teams, they are 'WORLD champions'.

While the rest of the world plays football (soccer) and / or rugby, the Americans bastardize the game and start playing AMERICAN football. An ugly game that is so animal in nature, it probably disgusts the most violent of beasts! And, guess what, every February, 2 teams from the 32 teams get together to play the 'SUPER bowl' (the 'greatest' sporting event of the year...bah! Trust American sports writers to go hyper on hyperbole) and yesss, the winner becomes the 'WORLD champion'.

Notice a trend...?

To top it off, the MLB championship is shamelessly billed as the 'WORLD series'. And, when the time comes for the US to send their team in a true world baseball championship, no prizes for guessing that they tumble out before even making it to the final!

It's ironical. 'World' championships in all sports are held once in, say, 2 years or 4 years, involve NATIONAL teams from multiple countries; competition is gruelling, teams seldom get multiple chances, players have, but, a couple of chances to live their dream of being a true 'WORLD champion'.

However, in American sports, every year there is a world champion drawn from one of the 32 teams in a silly league. Granted, there are people from multiple countries. But, each team gets at least a thousand chances before they are finally eliminated from the race for the title.

Yes, sports in the States are very Americo-centric, especially in their view of the world. Irritating / frustrating / annoying to say the least.

Here's a distress call to all sportswriters to stop referring to winners of American sports leagues as WORLD champions!!!

PS: Hmm, and why do I continue to root for the Boston Red Sox...?


At 3:50 pm, July 13, 2006 , Blogger SternMystic said...

The satire is good, I must admit. However, I dont agree to charges on some counts. You have to admit they have made it extremely entertaining to watch both on the tube or on court. Also, the whole thing about it being lazy -> dude, one mock game of basketball will have you sweat out every ounce of water in your body. Soccer (some call it football) definitely has tremendous energy/spirit behind it and the game is not for the faint of heart, but that don't mean American football is ugly, its a great sport with just as much skill/finnesse involved. Now dont get me started about this game thingy called cricket with 9 people getting a 12.5 BPM workout on the field.

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